Journey into the visual memories of homestead days at the Prairie Homestead. Experience the original “green” home just north of the Badlands of South Dakota. Fun for all ages. Explore a typical sod homesteader`s life in pioneer clothing.
nice sod homestead prairie photo
The Prairie Homestead combines all three with an opportunity to tour an original sod house and observe a group of rare white prairie dogs – all in one stop! Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this restored sod& ...
The Prairie Homestead in Philip South Dakota is the original home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown who homesteaded this 160 acres in 1909. Mr. Brown used cottonwood logs (a native tree) for his homestead home. The beams are the original ones he used. The log front is also original. He plowed buffalo grass sod for the upper walls of his home. www.prairiehomestead.com/ ... Hard to imagine life as it used to be.. Nice capture of the pararie dog too.. romvi 35 months ago | reply. nice house& ...
It was really nice to take a break from the house ... Below are some photos of The Cottage and our progress. These were ... so I`m deciding whether to make a border garden or sod to the fence line. Hmm.. .... A New Adventure: Selling the Homestead .... 1 year ago. PRAIRIE GIRL FARM &. aprairiegirlfarm. 1 year ago. Shirleanne`s Cottage. 1 year ago. Barn House &. From The Heart - 2012 BH Lineup! 1 year ago. Secret Garden Cottage &. MOVING ON... selling some pieces.
Journey into the visual memories of homestead days at the Prairie Homestead. Experience the original “green” home just north of the Badlands of South Dakota. Fun for all ages. Explore a typical sod homesteader`s life in pioneer clothing.
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